The Bengal government, led by CM Mamata Banerjee, has launched a new initiative called the GST Amnesty Scheme. This program is designed to help collect unpaid Goods and Services Tax (GST) from 2017 to 2020. It comes in response to many taxpayers' challenges when the GST system was first introduced.
The scheme, introduced by adding Section 128A to the CGST Act, offers a waiver of interest and penalties on specific tax demands raised under Section 73 for the financial years 2017-18, 2018-19, and 2019-20.
To benefit from this scheme, taxpayers must pay the full tax amount by March 31, 2025, and submit their application online through the designated portal by June 30, 2025.
The Directorate of Commercial Taxes is reaching out to around 20,000 taxpayers within the state to address about 34,000 requests for tax payments. They want to help these individuals settle their outstanding tax dues.
The Directorate has started outreach programs with various groups, such as trade associations and tax experts, to assist and motivate taxpayers to take advantage of a new program. This program offers relief by waiving interest and penalties for taxpayers involved in certain legal matters.
According to a finance department official, this is the first time such a measure has been introduced since the GST Act began.
In June 2024, the GST Council held its 53rd meeting and suggested starting an amnesty program. This program would be available for taxpayers who have pending demands with an appellate authority or in court.
However, to take advantage of this program, taxpayers must first withdraw any appeals or petitions they have filed. It's important to note that this amnesty will not apply to demands related to wrongly issued refunds.
A representative stated that this program is designed to help taxpayers by offering financial relief. The goal is to encourage people who have not been meeting their tax responsibilities to comply with the rules.
Read Also: Must Know About GSTR-9 Form Amnesty Scheme for Non-filers
Additionally, the initiative aims to make it easier for taxpayers to update their tax information, which will help both the tax authorities and the taxpayers by reducing administrative work and making everything run more smoothly.
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