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Showing posts from April, 2015

ICAI: The CA exams are Postponed in Nepal

Postponement of Chartered Accountants Examinations Scheduled to be Held From 2nd ā€“ 17th May, 2015 at Kathmandu (Nepal). The Intermediate and Final Examinations has been postponed by the Institute of Chartered Accountant of India (ICAI) that was being held in Kathmandu centers from 2nd May, 2015 to 17th May, 2015. Whereas, the institute has not made any changes in the other cities as the exam will be conducted at the given date and centers. For Kathmandu centers, the new date of the examinations at the given centers will be announced soon. For the important updates, candidates are advised to stay in touch with the institute's website.

Admit Cards are available to download for Intermediate (IPC) and Final May 2015

The eligible candidates can download their admit card for Intermediate (IPC) and Final May 2015 examination. Candidates are requested to bring their photo and signature. The candidates may print their admission letters from the . For downloading of the admission letters, candidates will have to enter the following details on the site: Student registration number or bar code number that is printed on the examination form Personal Identification Number (PIN) In another case, the Examination Committee of the Institute will send the hard copy of admit cards by post only those candidates who submitted off-line examination forms (i.e. OMR). The process of sending hard copy of the admission letters by post is discontinued with effect from May 2014 examinations onwards. The candidates who had submitted their exam forms off-line can also download their admission letters from the website of ICAR . Both, the online or off-line admission letters are valid for admission...

Brief about Biometric Attendance Machine and Gen Time Logger

The Biometric Attendance machine is an electronic machine that allows the administrator to monitor the total working time of the employees like check-in, check out, leaves and shift timing. This system keeps track records of all employees in the database. The biometric attendance machine is integrated with software that records the activity of the employee in the system. The Biometric data are separated from the personal information of the employees. Whereas, the companies with large employee numbers used several attendance machines in order to keep the process fast of the machine. How to Integrate Biometric Attendance Machine? To Integrate the biometric machine into payroll, we need the following details: Machine Company Name, Model No Machine SDK File (If Available) Total No of Biometric Machines Attendance Rules Shift rules Employee Break Policy Rules How does Biometric Attendance Machine Work? Every Biometric Machines have their unique code. The Biometric machin...